More snow needed for grooming of ice rinks and trails
JACKSON, Wyo. (KIFI) – The Teton County/Jackson Parks and Recreation Department has been busy the past several weeks transitioning into winter operations, but more snow is needed before grooming operations will be in full effect.
Despite early season snowfall and cold temperatures, there is still not enough snow in most areas to allow for safe operations of the PistenBully groomer, which requires at least an additional six inches of snow on the ground.
Friends of Pathways has begun setting single track on Cache Creek, while most other trails are currently still accessible due to consistent foot travel.
The ice rinks bases are still soft and are melting in areas from the bottom up. More accumulating snow and cold temperatures are needed before Parks crews can start operations. In the past, ice rinks are typically ready for use and grooming in early December.
Teton County/Parks and Recreation appreciates the community’s patience and staff is looking forward to a great winter full of outdoor recreation. Please continue to check the Grooming Report on the Parks and Recreation website for the most up to date information on conditions and groomer status.