Pothole repairs planned for Snake River Bridge
JACKSON, Wyo. (KIFI) - The Wyoming Department of Transportation, along with contract crews from Ames Construction, Inc., has scheduled pothole repair work on the Snake River Bridge on Wyoming State Highway 22 for the early morning hours of Tuesday, April 2, from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m., weather permitting.
The patching work will take place during nighttime hours and will require lane closures. Flaggers will be on-site to direct alternating traffic through the remaining operational lane. Drivers should expect delays.
Recent freeze-thaw cycles have resulted in numerous potholes, necessitating ongoing maintenance to keep the old bridge functional and safe for travel during construction of the new one.
WYDOT’s first priority is safety of drivers and construction crew members. Please be aware nighttime work inherently carries more risks for both drivers and construction crews. Please travel slowly through the construction zone and follow all speed limits, directional signs, and flagging instructions.
Unpredictable weather and other variables may necessitate last-minute changes to the plans.