Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25 scores among highest in the state on ISAT

POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI)– The results of the 2024 Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) show that Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25 is one of the highest scoring large school districts in Idaho.
District 25 is in the top five in the state for math test scores, top three for English, and was one of only three districts to exceed the state average for science test scores.
"Our district really supports that vision of putting learning first," said Nick Muckerman, principal of Edahow Elementary School. "And also that kind of more together vision of our staff, our community, our kids, and all these things come together for success.
Edahow Elementary School was one of the highest scoring schools in the state on the ISAT tests. Edahow Elementary students tested third in the state for English, second for math, and exceeded the state average for science.
"We all have very high expectations for our kids," said Lukrena Schoonover, a third grade teacher at Edahow. "We just expect to see them grow, and we try to push them to just be the best that they can be no matter where they're at in their journey."