Rexburg city attorney heading to greener fields

REXBURG, Idaho (KIFI) - Rexburg is saying goodbye to a longtime member of City Leadership.
"We at the City are saying “so long” and 'farewell' to our City Attorney, Stephen Zollinger, as he swings into retirement after over 30 years of dedicated service," City Officials wrote on their Facebook Page.

A graduate of the University of Utah, Zollinger has worked as Rexburg's city attorney since 1993. City leadership has invited the Rexburg community to help celebrate his legacy at City Hall’s Council Chambers on February 19th at 1:00 pm.
"His favorite pastime is found on the green, so we’re sending him off with a 'Par-Tee'" writes Rexburg city leadership.
"Simultaneously, we’re very excited to welcome Spencer Rammel in Stephen’s stead. We’ll give him a couple days before telling him what big shoes he has to fill."