Tendoy Elementary families and staff hold rally ahead of possible school closure
POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI)– Some Tendoy Elementary School staff, students, and their families gathered Monday morning to show support for the school ahead of a possible school closure decision by Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25.
On January 15, the school district's Enrollment and Attendance Committee held a public meeting to discuss closing either Washington or Tendoy Elementary School due to declining enrollment numbers across the district.
"I think the only reason that Tendoy was put on the chopping block is because it is a small school," said Melissa Aguilar, a parent of a third grade student at Tendoy Elementary. "Even though it's small... the kids form really tight bonds. If it closes down, those bonds are going to be not as tight anymore."
Last month, the Washington Elementary Advocates, a group of people who live in the neighborhoods surrounding Washington Elementary School, held a 'March for Washington' event to oppose the closure of the school.
At Monday's event, supporters rallied on street corners near Tendoy Elementary to raise awareness for and advocate against the recommendation to close the school.
"We love this school, and will come out in the dead of winter, like right now, in the extreme temperatures and the absolute heat just to save our school because we just love it so much," said Aguilar.
At the January 15 meeting, the Enrollment and Attendance Committee said they are currently recommending the closure of Washington Elementary School due, in part, to the cost of maintenance on the aged building and number of affected students compared to other schools in the area.
The school board said they could finalize a decision on the potential school closures at their regular board meeting on January 21.
For more information on the January 15 meeting and the Enrollment and Attendance Committee's recommendations, you can visit the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25 website.