DEQ issues permit to construct at Teton Village Resort

JACKSON, Wyo. (KIFI) - The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) issued Permit to Construct #2023-025 to Basecamp Teton WYSPV LLC (Basecamp) for the small wastewater facility at Teton Village Resort Thursday.
The issuance of the permit follows DEQ’s thorough review of Basecamp’s permit application to ensure the facility complies with Wyoming Water Quality Rules established to protect water quality. The facility, a sand mound pressure distribution septic system, will provide a high level of treatment before the wastewater leaves the system. Based on the design and proven performance of these types of systems, no adverse impacts to groundwater or surface water quality are anticipated. In addition, the permit retains a monitoring program to evaluate the facility’s effectiveness and ensure water quality is being protected.
Basecamp submitted the permit application to DEQ in April 2023. After DEQ’s review of the application and prior to making a final decision on the permit, DEQ considered public comments received on the draft permit during a 30-day public notice period. The DEQ also held a public meeting in Wilson on June 9, 2023 to receive additional public comment. DEQ considered all comments received at the public meeting prior to making a final decision on the permit.
The DEQ appreciates the public’s feedback on the permit. While the DEQ determined that the facility as proposed in the application met DEQ rules and would be protective of water quality, the comments led to further consultation between DEQ and Basecamp. The consultation resulted in Basecamp incorporating additional water quality protection measures that exceed DEQ’s requirements into the facility’s design in order to help address public concerns.
The DEQ understands the concerns of the community with the issuance of this permit as it relates to Fish Creek. Officials recognize the importance of Fish Creek and remain committed to working with local partners and stakeholders to monitor and assess Fish Creek as well as to plan and implement restoration and protection projects. The DEQ has completed two water quality assessments on Fish Creek and has provided financial and technical assistance to support ongoing watershed planning efforts for the creek. The DEQ looks forward to continued collaboration with local partners and stakeholders with the shared goal of enhancing Fish Creek and meeting water quality standards.
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