Memorial Day marks start of 100 deadliest days of driving

POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI) - Memorial Day weekend kicks off the summer season with BBQ’s, camping trips and family vacations which leads to busier roads and an increase in traffic accidents and deaths.
The period between Memorial Day and Labor Day is known as the “100 deadliest days.” During this time, fatal crashes nearly double compared to the rest of the year.
Last year, 88 people killed in vehicle crashes in Idaho lost their lives during this time frame.
The three most common factors in Idaho motor vehicle crashes are aggressive, distracted and impaired driving.
Aggressive driving includes behaviors such as: failure to yield right of way, failure to obey a stop sign, exceeded posted speed, driving too fast for conditions, following too closely, and failure to obey a traffic signal.
Aggressive driving is a contributing factor in 50% of crashes in Idaho.
Distracted driving is defined by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration as a specific type of inattention that occurs when drivers divert their attention away from the task of driving to focus on another activity. Distracted driving include: texting or talking on the phone, eating and drinking, using the stereo, entertainment, or navigation system, and talking to people inside the vehicle. The use of electronic devices account for 50% of distracted driving related fatality crashes.
Impaired driving is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Just over 44% of all fatalities were a result of crashes due to impaired driving.
Portneuf Medical Center is asking everyone to help keep Idaho roads safe this summer.
- Buckle up!
- Pay attention!
- Wear a helmet when on a motorcycle, dirt bike, or bicycle.
- Stay off the phone – Do Not Disturb while driving
- Stay rested
- Stay sober
- Obey the speed limit
- Beware in construction zones