Pay It Forward: Wiggle Waggle Golf

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KXPI/KIFI) - In this Pay It Forward, news anchor Todd Kunz found two brothers who take their love of golf to the next level to help local veterans. Kunz wanted to see how they are making a difference on and off the course, and to Pay It Forward.
Take two brothers and their love of golf. Mix it with a love of veterans.
"Our father was in World War II and we have two brothers that are veterans," said Scott Weigel.
And you have the perfect foundation for a nonprofit. Meet Scott and Tom Weigel, co-founders of Wiggle Waggle Golf.
"The Wiggle Waggle comes from our last name, because it's Weigel," added Scott.
It started about 11 years ago as a group of friends wanting to help veterans at Christmas.
"Scott and I just did it ourselves out-of-pocket. Then after that, we decided to do the invitation out and do the regular golf," said Tom.
It has grown ever since.
"So it was like the Wiggle Waggle Invitational and Thomas has this great idea to turn it into a golf tournament so we could do more for the veterans in our area," said Scott.
And they have. Last Christmas, they purchased comforters for all the veterans at the veterans home. They have made donations to the Veterans Mobility Corp. They have helped with homeless backpacks, canned goods, healthcare, and helped individual veterans, some with funeral expenses.
The community support has rallied around their cause.
What do you say we go for the green? Time to Pay It Forward.
"Now that we have it up and going, I have to say that it's been fantastic, but we always want people to come and play. And if they have donations for us, for the raffles or the silent auction, we are more than anything, that is, we accept anything," said Scott.
"Tom, Scott?" asked a man walking up and interrupting the interview.
"Yes?" replied Scott.
"Hi. Tyson Campbell, Mountain America Credit Union," said the man.
"Oh, how are you?" said Scott.
"Nice to meet you guys. Hey, I just wanted to stop by. We heard about what you guys have going on with Wiggle Waglle Golf and how you're helping out the veterans, and we thought we'd take an opportunity to Pay It Forward. So here's a $500 donation to you guys' cause," said Campbell, taking cash out of a logo-marked envelope and handing it over to Scott.
"Wow," said Scott.
"Just to say thank you and appreciate what you guys are doing," Campbell continued.
"Thank you very much," said Tom.
"Thank you," said Scott.
"Absolutely. Keep it up," said Campbell.
"Your name again?" asked Tom.
"Tyson Campbell," he replied.
"Tyson Campbell," repeated Scott.
"Put it on that," said Tom, pointing to the envelope.
"Yes. We need to make sure," started Scott.
"Absolutely. I'll make sure to get that for you," said Campbell.
"Okay," said Scott.
"Thanks, guys. Appreciate you," said Campbell.
"Thank you guys," said Tom.
"Thank you," said Scott.
"Absolutely," said Campbell, walking away.
The next Wiggle Waggle Golf fundraising tournament is August 17 at Pinecrest Golf Course at noon. It is a four-man scramble, so get your team together and register. Contact Tom Weigel at 208-317-2131 or their Facebook page here.
"Pay It Forward" stories air the second Wednesday of every month. If you know of a nonprofit organization or someone who deserves to be recognized for their contributions to the area, click on "News" then "Pay It Forward" under the menu stack at the top left of our homepage. Fill out the submission form, or send an email to news anchor Todd Kunz at