Bonneville County Republican Party to host forum on ranked choice voting/open primaries

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (Bonneville County Republican Party) – The public forum will be held at the Snake River Events Center at the Shilo Inn, 780 Lindsay Blvd., Idaho Falls, Idaho, on September 30th at 7:00 p.m.
Two speakers will be featured during the public forum: Hyrum Erickson will speak in favor of Prop 1, and Nick Contos will speak in opposition.
A Q&A session will follow their presentations.
A "yes* vote supports the establishment of open primaries and ranked-choice voting for general
elections, which applies to congressional, gubernatorial, state, and county elected offices.
A "no" vote opposes the establishment of open primaries and ranked-choice voting for general
elections, maintaining that all political party candidates for federal, state, district, and county elective offices must be nominated via primary election.