Republican Rep. Andrew Clyde evading House fines, GOP colleague says
By Melanie Zanona, CNN Rep. Andrew Clyde, the Georgia Republican who compared scenes from January 6 to a “tourist visit,” has found a way…
Continue ReadingBy Melanie Zanona, CNN Rep. Andrew Clyde, the Georgia Republican who compared scenes from January 6 to a “tourist visit,” has found a way…
Continue ReadingAlejandra Ramos Barreda (CNN) — El Senado de Estados Unidos confirmó este viernes a Ur Mendoza Jaddou como directora del Servicio de…
Continue ReadingBy Donald Judd President Joe Biden announced Friday that he was appointing Khizr Khan, a Gold Star father who drew then-candidate Donald…
Continue ReadingThe federal eviction moratorium, put in place by the CDC last September, will not be extended leaving those who have relied on it at risk of losing…
Continue ReadingBy Annie Grayer, Phil Mattingly, Kristin Wilson and Melanie Zanona, CNN An eviction moratorium for renters from the US Centers for Disease Control…
Continue ReadingSol Amaya (CNN) — La terrible sequía que ha estado asfixiando a gran parte del oeste de Estados Unidos durante meses empeoró aún más esta…
Continue ReadingCNNEE (CNN Español) — Un sismo de magnitud 6,1 sacudió este viernes el norte de Perú, según reportes del Servicio Geológico de EE.UU.…
Continue ReadingBy Ashley Strickland, CNN When NASA returns humans to the moon, SpaceX will build the vehicle to land the first woman and next man on the lunar…
Continue ReadingBy Ashley Strickland, CNN When NASA returns humans to the moon, SpaceX will build the vehicle to land the first woman and next man on the lunar…
Continue ReadingIdaho officials reported 529 new COVID-19 cases and 2 new deaths…
Continue ReadingBy Chloe Melas, CNN Bob Odenkirk thanked his fans on Friday after his health scare earlier this week. The actor tweeted, “Hi. It’s Bob.…
Continue Readingurielblanco (CNN Español) — La cuenta regresiva ya comenzó para la consulta popular en México que debe pronunciarse sobre si se debe…
Continue ReadingBy Kate Sullivan and Maegan Vazquez, CNN The Biden administration outlined a number of efforts related to its Cuba policy on Friday — including…
Continue ReadingBy Sonnet Swire, CNN This week, the Senate voted to start debate on a $1 trillion infrastructure bill after a bipartisan group of lawmakers finally…
Continue ReadingBy Tierney Sneed The Biden administration is taking Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to court over an executive order he issued earlier this week targeting the…
Continue ReadingBy Marianne Garvey, CNN Amanda Knox is claiming the new Matt Damon film “Stillwater” is profiting off her life and her struggle for a…
Continue ReadingAlejandra Ramos Barreda (CNN Español) — Estados Unidos tiene una larga historia importando trabajadores temporales extranjeros, ya que en el…
Continue ReadingMany of us could soon see some extra money in our…
Continue ReadingBy Fredreka Schouten and Dianne Gallagher, CNN Republican lawmakers in Georgia are requesting that the state undertake a performance review of local…
Continue ReadingVisitors to Yellowstone National Park are once again required to mask up inside all public places and on commercial transportation regardless of…
Continue ReadingBy Anna Bahney Ronald Leonard expects the sheriff to arrive at the door of his Daytona Beach, Florida, home any day after the federal ban on…
Continue ReadingBy Rob Picheta, Jonny Hallam, Barbara Starr and Kareem El Damanhoury, CNN Two crewmembers died when a tanker connected to an Israeli billionaire was…
Continue ReadingCheck out this video taken Thursday night at the famous Preston Night…
Continue ReadingBy Moira Ritter, CNN Business Disney and Walmart, two of America’s largest employers, announced Friday that they are requiring employees be…
Continue ReadingBy Lauren Fox and Tierney Sneed, CNN The Justice Department told the Treasury Department that it “must” turn over former President Donald…
Continue ReadingA federal freeze on most evictions enacted last year is scheduled to expire Saturday, after the Biden administration extended the original date by a…
Continue ReadingThe Boise Police Department says officers removed flags emblazoned with the emblem of the neo-fascist Proud Boys organization after someone hung them…
Continue ReadingCNNEspañol sjv (CNN Español) — Los terremotos se producen sin previo aviso, no los puedes evitar. Entonces, ¿cómo puedes actuar? Para las…
Continue ReadingMelissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN Español) — El doctor Álvaro Ramallo Zamora, un urólogo que vive en la ciudad de Tarija, cerca a la frontera…
Continue ReadingScattered showers and thunderstorms will continue for Friday evening with some slow moving storms leading to a possible flash flood.FLASH FLOOD WATCH…
Continue ReadingThe Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has lifted an Air Pollution Forecast and Caution to notify residents of Lemhi County of improved…
Continue ReadingBy Taylor Romine, CNN Bowling Green State University in Ohio announced on Friday that it has permanently expelled three students and suspended 17 in…
Continue ReadingBy KPIX Staff Click here for updates on this story SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX) — After several anti-Semitic incidents across…
Continue ReadingBy Jen Christensen, CNN Two leading organizations that represent obstetricians and gynecologists recommended Friday that anyone who is pregnant…
Continue ReadingAlejandra Ramos (CNN Español) — El Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS, por sus siglas en inglés) es un beneficio migratorio temporal que…
Continue ReadingCNNEspañol sjv (CNN Español) — La situación de miles de migrantes varados de Haití y África preocupa a las autoridades del municipio…
Continue Readingurielblanco (CNN Español) — Pocos espectadores el martes en las gradas del Centro de Gimnasia de Ariake. La pandemia de covid-19 no lo…
Continue ReadingBy Len Ramirez Click here for updates on this story MONTEREY, California (KPIX) — Video shot on board the Princess…
Continue ReadingBy Maggie Fox, CNN The US has done an about-face on its approach to the coronavirus pandemic this week. Masks are back, vaccine mandates are looming,…
Continue ReadingBy KCAL KCBS STAFF Click here for updates on this story LOS ANGELES (KCAL) — Protesters descended on the mayoral…
Continue ReadingBy Clare Duffy, CNN Business As if Elon Musk isn’t running enough companies, he once may have suggested taking over as CEO of America’s…
Continue ReadingBy Priscilla Alvarez, CNN The Senate confirmed Ur Jaddou to serve as US Citizenship and Immigration Services director on Friday, delivering the…
Continue ReadingCNNEE Nota del editor: Carlos Alberto Montaner es escritor, periodista y colaborador de CNN. Sus columnas se publican en decenas de diarios de…
Continue ReadingBy KCAL KCBS STAFF Click here for updates on this story VENICE, California (KCAL) — Cellphone video shows an all-out…
Continue ReadingBy Jesse Sarles Click here for updates on this story AURORA, Colorado (KCNC) — Officer John Haubert has resigned from…
Continue ReadingBy Tierney Sneed, CNN As part of the historically quick work to put his judicial nominees on the bench, President Joe Biden is on a mission to pick…
Continue ReadingBy Sydney Warick Click here for updates on this story NASHVILLE (WSMV) — A tourist was taken to the hospital early…
Continue ReadingAlejandra Ramos (CNN Español) — El número de trabajadores temporales para desempeñar trabajos de agricultura en Estados Unidos ha aumentado…
Continue ReadingBy Sara Ashley O’Brien, CNN Business Like many new pandemic pet owners, Nia Morgan knew her puppy, Zorro, had grown very attached to her due to…
Continue ReadingBy Katelyn Massarelli Click here for updates on this story COLLIER COUNTY, Florida (WBBH) — Two teens were found dead…
Continue ReadingBy Erin O’Brien Click here for updates on this story COLLIER COUNTY, Florida (WBBH) — Two men were arrested for…
Continue ReadingAs crews look for a 5-year-old Idaho boy missing since Tuesday, the Fruitland Police Department is asking for any potential witnesses to come forward…
Continue ReadingIt has been a month since Oregon lifted statewide coronavirus-related restrictions, but this week the Gov. Kate Brown has announced the…
Continue ReadingBy Beccah Hendrickson Click here for updates on this story NORTH WALES, Pennsylvania (WPVI) — Dola Spering’s…
Continue ReadingA Jackson business is…
Continue ReadingA local school district will need to find a new school board…
Continue ReadingBy Lisa Respers France, CNN DaBaby has attracted some high-profile critics. Elton John, Madonna, Questlove and others have come out to condemn the…
Continue ReadingBy Matteo Iadonisi Click here for updates on this story PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — On the issue of medical debt, Lisa…
Continue ReadingMariana Toro (CNN) — Sentada en su habitación de hospital en Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Aimee Matzen luchaba por respirar mientras describía lo…
Continue ReadingBy Parija Kavilanz, CNN Business Get ready to wait months, maybe even into 2022, for that new sofa to arrive at your doorstep. Delays on furniture…
Continue ReadingBy Paul LeBlanc, CNN Carl Levin, a former US senator from Michigan who advanced Democratic priorities throughout his 36-year tenure in Congress, has…
Continue ReadingBy Peter Valencia Click here for updates on this story PAYSON, Arizona (KPHO) — A Phoenix woman is facing charges after…
Continue ReadingBy Jennifer Henderson and Raja Razek, CNN Faisal Khan, acting director of the Saint Louis County Department of Public Health, said he faced…
Continue ReadingBy Carissa Planalp Click here for updates on this story PEORIA, Arizona (KPHO) — A Peoria woman is sharing her story…
Continue ReadingSoutheastern Idaho Public Health will be offering COVID-19 vaccinations between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. at the Bannock County Fair on August 5, 2021 and…
Continue ReadingPower County deputies are currently searching for a 45-year-old…
Continue ReadingBy Holmes Lybrand The recent change of mask guidance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has created some confusion and also ample…
Continue ReadingSen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) tweeted that US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was participating in “embarrassing Covid theater” by wearing a mask and…
Continue ReadingAlexandra Ferguson (CNN) — Los veranos de Japón son calurosos, húmedos y pueden ser mortales. Si se están batiendo récords durante las…
Continue ReadingThe Idaho Falls Animal Shelter is dealing with a decrease in the number of volunteers and has seen an increase in the number of people turning in…
Continue ReadingBy Tim Pulliam Click here for updates on this story DURHAM, North Carolina (WTVD) — Sherard Johnson, a former teacher…
Continue ReadingAlexandra Ferguson Nueva York (CNN Business) — El último trimestre de Amazon con Jeff Bezos como CEO resultó ser una decepción para Wall…
Continue ReadingBy WABC Staff Click here for updates on this story LONG ISLAND, NY (WABC) — Shark sightings continue off the coast of…
Continue ReadingCNNEspañol sjv (CNN) — Los terremotos se miden utilizando sismógrafos, que monitorean las ondas sísmicas que viajan a través de la Tierra…
Continue ReadingBy Clare Foran, Ali Zaslav and Manu Raju, CNN The Senate took the next step on Friday to bring up a roughly $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure…
Continue ReadingBy WABC Staff Click here for updates on this story QUEENS, New York (WABC) — Police have arrested the suspect in a…
Continue ReadingFrancesca Street, CNN A prehistoric solar observatory in the middle of a desert. A decades-old railway that bisects two soaring mountain ranges.…
Continue ReadingFrancesca Street, CNN A prehistoric solar observatory in the middle of a desert. A decades-old railway that bisects two soaring mountain ranges.…
Continue ReadingGermán Padinger (CNN) — Entre los millones de adolescentes que han recibido la vacuna contra el coronavirus de Pfizer/BioNTech, nuevos datos…
Continue ReadingBy Dion Lim Click here for updates on this story OAKLAND, California (KGO) — Dramatic video and a press conference…
Continue ReadingBy Devan Cole, CNN Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee said she was arrested on Thursday by Capitol Police during a protest on voting rights, becoming…
Continue ReadingBy Michael Nedelman, CNN A new study shows the Delta Covid-19 variant produced similar amounts of virus in vaccinated and unvaccinated people if they…
Continue ReadingFederal and local officials taking a harder line in the fight against…
Continue ReadingBy Megan Marples and Ashley Strickland, CNN See Saturn shine brightly for this once-a-year nighttime spectacle. On August 1 and 2, Saturn will be at…
Continue ReadingBy Barbara Barr Click here for updates on this story WEST LAMPETER TOWNSHIP, Pennsylvania (WGAL) — The West Lampeter…
Continue ReadingBy WBAL Staff Click here for updates on this story ESSEX, Maryland (WBAL) — Baltimore County police officers discovered…
Continue ReadingEmployment is still needed despite positive growth in the job market.…
Continue ReadingBy KOCO Staff Click here for updates on this story TULSA, Oklahoma (KOCO) — The Tulsa Zoo announced the birth of a…
Continue ReadingBy Sara Murray, CNN A Pennsylvania Republican’s effort to launch a ballot audit of the 2020 results in the Keystone State has hit a roadblock…
Continue ReadingBy Phil Gomez Click here for updates on this story SANTA CRUZ, California (KSBW) — In Santa Cruz on Thursday,…
Continue ReadingBy Nancy Laflin Click here for updates on this story ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico (KOAT) — Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham…
Continue ReadingMelissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN Español) — La Policía Nacional de Nicaragua informó, sin brindar detalles de lugar ni circunstancia, que este…
Continue ReadingBy Alan Shope Click here for updates on this story KANSAS CITY, Missouri (KMBC) — A Kansas City man won a contest to…
Continue ReadingMelissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN Español) — Las protestas que se registraron este jueves en Guatemala “reflejan en gran medida la importancia…
Continue ReadingThe Haynes and Iron Fires have both reached 95% containment, and the Mud Lick Fire has reached 70%…
Continue ReadingBy KETV Staff Click here for updates on this story BURT COUNTY, Nebraska (KETV) — The Burt County Sheriff’s…
Continue ReadingOperation Underground Railroad is holding its annual Rise Up march Friday night at the greenbelt in Idaho…
Continue ReadingBy Sophie Flay Click here for updates on this story LOS ANGELES (KABC) — Wrapping gifts comes easy to Carol Tanita.…
Continue ReadingGermán Padinger (CNN) — Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de EE.UU. (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés) emitieron este…
Continue ReadingBonneville County deputies and Idaho Falls firefighters go head to head during the annual Guns vs. Hoses softball game…
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