Idaho reaches grim milestone: More than 100,000 virus cases

BOISE, Idaho (AP) - Idaho has reached an alarming milestone, with health officials reporting that more than 100,000 residents have been infected with the coronavirus.
That number reached Sunday is likely an undercount, partly because some infected people experience little or no symptoms and may not seek out testing. One out of every 199 Idaho residents has tested positive for the virus in the past week, according to numbers compiled by Johns Hopkins University. At least 920 have died from COVID-19 so far.
Hospitalizations of patients with COVID-19 remain high, according to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, with 446 patients reported as of Friday. About one-fourth of those patients were being treated in intensive care units.
The latest average rate of positive tests in Idaho is 44.35%, according to data from the COVID Tracking Project.
On Monday, the total number of reported coronavirus cases in Idaho increased to 101,698. Health experts have warned the number of new cases could sharply climb in coming weeks, with many people ignoring recommendations to avoid gathering with anyone outside their household over Thanksgiving.