Girl Scouts launch digital cookie program

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - For the first time, Girl Scout Cookies can be ordered before New Year’s.
Traditionally, Girl Scouts of Silver Sage has started pre-sales in mid-January.
Starting Monday, we are able to buy cookies but we won't find Girl Scouts selling in neighborhoods or set-up at their usual booths around town.
Due to COVID, the girls will focus on using a personalized digital cookie online ordering platform.
Leaders say the girls will learn real-world digital marketing and sales skills.
They plan to adapt their girl-led business plans to succeed safely during the pandemic.
"This is an entrepreneur program. It helps girls gain the confidence to go out there into the business world, to gain life skills, goal setting, decision-making, money management, people's skills, and business ethics," said Alicia Quilantan, Product Program Manager of Girl Scouts of Silver Sage. "So these are really important skills for growth to learn at any age. By helping out the cookie program the community is empowering and building confidence in all of these young women."
The cookie program runs through March 21st.
To order your cookies online today visit here.