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Virtual gun range, supply company offers unique training for officers

virtual gun range
Ryan Dunder shows off the virtual gun range at his store, Counter Strike Supply Co.

POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - A unique local business is helping first responders prepare for the worst - safely.

Counter Strike Supply Company set up shop in 2017. Owner and former Bannock County Sheriff's Deputy, Ryan Dunder, saw a need for a supply store for law enforcement, but then the business started growing.

“We quickly had a large interest from both the fire community, the EMS community and the public, so we kind of opened it up altogether,” Dunder said.

Counter Strike provides gear for police officers, sheriff's deputy's, fire fighters, EMTs, paramedics, military service members as well as members of the public, though there are some products not available to the public.

Last year, he expanded the business by adding a shooting range simulator, or virtual gun range.

The virtual gun range is one of three in Idaho, but the only one available to the public, said Dunder.

“We actually have a date night package where you’ll come in and you can shoot with your date and we’ll provide a free pizza for the night. So, it’s really fun, you can easily spend hours and hours in here,” Dunder said.

People can choose from 100 different scenarios, ranging from arcade games to a simulated crack house.

Law enforcement has the option to choose from 1,000 different training scenarios.

“It provides a safe environment for the officer or security officer to come in and interact in any kind of scenario and prepare for real life without getting hurt, without going into too much of a training budget with ammunition,” Under said.

The guns used feel real, look real and some even recoil to make shooting seem real. Simulated pepper spray and a taser are also available.

The 'gun range' is projected onto a large, curved screen to provide a more surrounding feel.

“The whole idea is to move and shoot as well as think about the situation that you’re in so that you’re not causing any more problems than you’re actually supposed to,” Dunder said.

Counter Strike offers high quality uniforms, custom embroidery, firearms, ammo, flashlights and more. They're located on 355 Yellowstone Avenue in Pocatello.

Article Topic Follows: Business Watch
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counter strike supply company
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Emma Iannacone
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Emma Iannacone


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