Idaho Falls store goes national with fundraiser
Since 2001, Lowe’s Home Improvement stores across the nation have been raising money for muscular dystrophy. The store in Idaho Falls is…
Continue ReadingSince 2001, Lowe’s Home Improvement stores across the nation have been raising money for muscular dystrophy. The store in Idaho Falls is…
Continue ReadingA recently passed $53 million bond for District 91 will allow four elementary schools to be rebuilt. The four schools– Ethel Boyes, Dora…
Continue ReadingFreshman at Idaho Falls High School showed off their science skills Friday at their first ever science fair competition. Colorful poster boards and…
Continue ReadingAirport managers across the country are not happy with the federal budget cuts to their air traffic controllers, and they’re doing something…
Continue ReadingA bridge is shut down tonight in Jefferson County. Another in Saint Anthony will be replaced. About two weeks ago, inspectors from Idaho’s…
Continue ReadingAnother bomb threat led to more evacuations at Fort Hall on Friday. A threat to the Fort Hall Casino Building was called in at the main casino switch…
Continue ReadingMotorcyclists are starting to bring out their bikes again as warmer weather is coming back to eastern Idaho. That also means we need to be careful…
Continue ReadingThe Idaho Falls Fire Department may not be getting their new fire station after all. City council members say they want more information about the…
Continue ReadingHundreds of people have been streaming into Idaho State University’s Holt Arena on Thursday for this year’s Pocatello Spring Fair. This…
Continue ReadingA 16-year-old Jefferson County boy sustained head injuries and multiple broken bones when his motorcycle was struck by a car Thursday night. The…
Continue ReadingIdaho Falls city leaders say they need more input on a potential anti-discrimination ordinance. At a city council work session today, council members…
Continue ReadingJefferson County Road and Bridge has closed the county-owned Burgess Canal Bridge on Third West south of Rigby. The action came after Idaho…
Continue ReadingI especially enjoyed getting to know this week’s United Dairymen of Idaho Distinguished Student Award winner. That’s because he’s…
Continue ReadingAn Idaho Falls man pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to possession of an unregistered firearm after authorities said he had a sawed-off shotgun.…
Continue ReadingA Pocatello man was hospitalized Thursday after his Audi A6 flipped over, went airborne for 100 feet, landed on its top and caught fire. Pocatello…
Continue ReadingPocatello police arrested a man on a burglary charge early Thursday morning. Officers were called to the 1500 block of Yellowstone, where several…
Continue ReadingEastern Idahoans had a chance to ask experts direct questions about important economic issues. The issues included everything from the INL, growing a…
Continue ReadingAt the eleventh hour on Wednesday night in Rigby, the Jefferson County School District voted to approve a $1,000,000 supplemental levy. After a well…
Continue ReadingThe Jefferson County School District voted to approve a $1 million supplemental levy Wednesday night. After a well-attended community straw poll…
Continue ReadingAuthorities were searching for a bomb in Fort Hall on Wednesday. A threat of a bomb in the Tribal Business Center prompted the evacuation of people…
Continue ReadingA student who allegedly plotted to harm classmates at Rigby Junior High has now been charged with battery. The suspect has been placed into a…
Continue ReadingOutside the Walmart on South Utah Avenue in Idaho Falls today, there were protesters who said they wanted to raise awareness about buying pork from…
Continue ReadingPocatello police are looking for a man who stole a firearm from a Pocatello pawn shop. The crime occurred Saturday. He is between 5’7″…
Continue ReadingAn Idaho Falls man pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court on Wednesday to one count of possession of sexually explicit images of minors. According to…
Continue ReadingPolice said a Rigby Junior High School student was plotting to harm fellow students. Rigby Police Department officers investigated after Jefferson…
Continue ReadingA massive turnout in Rigby Tuesday night as the Jefferson School District fights a very public budget battle. Nearly 1,000 parents attended a meeting…
Continue ReadingBuilding for a new salmon hatchery is well-underway and ahead of schedule for Idaho Fish and Game and its efforts to restore an entire species of…
Continue ReadingWhether it’s a comfy pair of pajamas or a good book, it seems like parents are always looking for ways to make bedtime fun for younger kids. An…
Continue ReadingToday is Diabetes Alert Day. It’s set aside as a wake-up call to determine your risk of having or developing the disease. One out of 12 people…
Continue ReadingCommunities in western Wyoming are coming together to fight the effect of sequestration. When people learned that federal budget cuts would delay the…
Continue ReadingThe Department of Interior has notified the state of Wyoming it will lose $53 million in federal mineral revenue payments beginning in March and…
Continue ReadingAt age 54, he’ll be one of the older recruits, but Teton County, Wyoming Sheriff Jim Whalen has been selected to attend the FBI National…
Continue ReadingSt. Anthony police have arrested two adults and two minors after undercover officers made controlled buys of marijuana. Police arrested 34-year-old…
Continue ReadingThe Teton Raptor Center released a male bald eagle into the wild from the Hardeman Barns in Wilson on Monday. The eagle was found hurt near his nest…
Continue ReadingOur station has confirmed some of the horses at the center of a suspected animal abuse case in Bonneville County are moving out of 25th E. farm, and…
Continue ReadingBeginning Wednesday, D Street will be closed between Yellowstone Highway and Eastern Avenue. Idaho Falls city engineer Kent Fugal says it’s a…
Continue ReadingAbout 1,300 power customers were without power after a power pole went down on Yellowstone in Chubbuck on Monday morning. The outage affected those…
Continue ReadingThe grease from your fast food could soon start powering your cars, and one Pocatello man is making his own bio-diesel out of kitchen grease. Robert…
Continue ReadingThe Jefferson School Board expects to make major cuts next year, including staffing, supplies and after-school programs. Before it makes the cuts,…
Continue ReadingPolice said a man driving under the influence struck a Jackson Police Department car, hurting two officers. The patrol car was stopped on West…
Continue ReadingThe Fremont County School Board will ask its patrons to approve a two-year, 1.5 million dollar supplemental levy at the polls May 21. According to…
Continue ReadingA man who has been living in the Idaho Falls area for eight years is accused of failing to update his sex offender registration information. Daniel…
Continue ReadingOn the Idaho State University campus there is a group of student who, although short on time and money themselves, are reaching out to help children…
Continue ReadingIdaho Falls police arrested three men late Friday night after investigating the possible use of marijuana at the Hotel on the Falls at 475 River…
Continue ReadingDetectives have named two more people they said were involved in burglaries in Idaho and Wyoming. The Teton County, Wyo., Sheriff’s Office said…
Continue ReadingIdaho Falls said they had to use pepper spray to get a suspect to come out from under a trailer. A female reported being beaten by Christopher…
Continue ReadingA man turned himself in after police said he left the scene of a deadly accident. Nicky Bateman, 49, was arrested on an Idaho Falls warrant charging…
Continue ReadingPostal workers from across the state were rallying Sunday to protest the cutback in delivery days. If you were driving down Fifth Avenue in…
Continue ReadingThe Idaho Department of Health and Welfare says the state’s marriage rate in 2011 fell to its lowest point in 60 years. The Coeur d’Alene…
Continue ReadingSome people like them because they’re shiny, powerful and comfortable. But whatever draws you to them, the cars and motorcycles at this…
Continue ReadingIt may be spring, but temperatures are still cold. Regardless, the Special Olympics of Idaho held its annual “Penguin Plunge” Saturday…
Continue ReadingFrom the playground to the bright lights of the competition stage, 126 jump ropers from across eastern Idaho competed at Regionals in Idaho Falls…
Continue ReadingSports enthusiasts are four days into March Madness and plenty of fans are looking for places around town to watch the games. With the high foot…
Continue ReadingThere are more than 130 merit badges Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts can earn and local scouts are getting closer to being able to sew another badge on…
Continue ReadingLocal school kids are getting hands-on with technology in their classroom, all thanks to some ambitious educators. Teachers at Lewis and Clark…
Continue ReadingAccording to the United States Department of Agriculture, honey production is down 2 percent in Idaho and 1 percent across the country. But, the…
Continue ReadingSome local school districts and colleges are kicking off their first day of spring break, but in eastern Idaho our weather really hasn’t been…
Continue ReadingIdaho Falls and Pocatello control towers will be among 149 federal contract towers that will close as part of the agency’s sequestration…
Continue ReadingTwo citations have been issued in a case of suspected animal abuse and neglect in Bonneville County, the sheriff’s office said Friday…
Continue ReadingThe Portneuf Medical Center is finding itself in the midst of a lawsuit after one local physician is pursuing legal action against the…
Continue ReadingTwo Idaho Falls men were arrested on meth-related charges Thursday night. Idaho State Police said Jason C. Campbell, 43, and Sammy J. Aguirre, 26,…
Continue ReadingA case of suspected animal abuse and neglect in Bonneville County has eastern Idahoans buzzing on social media. A Facebook fire-storm ignited after…
Continue ReadingWeather related traffic accidents were keeping emergency crews busy in eastern Idaho early Friday. On Interstate 15 southbound near Blackfoot, a…
Continue ReadingEvery year, the Alpha Kappa Psi fraternity at Idaho State University presents an award to an Idaho business leader. But what does it take to receive…
Continue ReadingA man was robbed in his Idaho Falls apartment early Friday morning. The victim told police that three men kicked in the door of his apartment on the…
Continue ReadingBonneville Power Administration is proposing to build a 115-kilovolt transmission line and supporting infrastructure in Caribou County. The line…
Continue ReadingA great student with tremendous character is how Skyline High School counselor and golf coach, Ty Shippen, describes Brooklyn Anderson who won the…
Continue ReadingThe 2012 state legislature is expected to wrap up late next week, ending three months worth of work. But how much does it cost for the Idaho…
Continue ReadingTwo people were badly burned in a fire on 2280 Tasman Ave. in Idaho Falls on Wednesday. Idaho Falls police said it appears the woman set herself on…
Continue ReadingTwo schools in the South Lemhi School District 292 will have a two hour delay today. Leadore School and Tendoy Elementary are experiencing a power…
Continue ReadingOnly 4.8 percent of Idaho workers belonged to a trade union last year, down three tenths of a percent from 2011. According to the U.S. Bureau of…
Continue ReadingFirehouse Subs, a nationwide restaurant chain, has announced plans to open 12 restaurants throughout southern Idaho. The chain is based in…
Continue ReadingThe Idaho Falls Public Works Department is about to begin construction on the D Street underpass project. D Street will be closed between Yellowstone…
Continue ReadingPocatello’s proposed nondiscrimination ordinance has been a hot topic since it was first discussed. On Wednesday evening, the public was able…
Continue ReadingDozens of high school kids got an experience in life, learning skills in income and money management at Eastern Idaho Technical College. An EITC…
Continue ReadingIn the debate surrounding Idaho’s nuclear future, there’s been one big question about what role we should take in storing nuclear waste.…
Continue ReadingWhere the Sartori Cheese plant in Blackfoot formerly stood, now houses the Twin Falls based company Glanbia Foods. On Friday the globally-traded…
Continue ReadingA 10-year-old boy is recovering after being hit by a car on the way to a Pocatello school. It happened just before 8 a.m Tuesday. Police said he was…
Continue ReadingIt’s Idaho State University Week, and there’s no better way to celebrate than with a community-wide party. Gov. C.L. “Butch”…
Continue ReadingThe man accused in the shooting death of Kristy Aschliman pleaded not guilty in court Wednesday morning. Adan Arroyo, 22, of Blackfoot, is facing a…
Continue ReadingThe Portneuf Medical Center presented School District 25 with 17 new automatic external defibrillators Tuesday night . These life-saving devices have…
Continue ReadingPocatello Police say surveillance video backed up a Maverik Store manager’s complaint that an employee was taking money from the business.…
Continue ReadingPocatello Police say a child was struck by a car near Greenacre School at apprxoimately 8 a.m. Wednesday. Police said the 10 year old boy was in the…
Continue ReadingBOYS BASEBALL**Hillcrest 9Cenutry 3 F GIRLS SOFTBALL{Game 1}**Century 8 Idaho Falls 3 F [Game 2}**Idaho Falls 12 Century 4…
Continue ReadingAlternative schooling is an option for students who are considered at risk for not graduating at a normal pace. While most students who go the…
Continue ReadingMilitary tuition is now the target of budget cuts. Service members depending on financial aid from the military to further their education may be out…
Continue ReadingNew statistics from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare show a staggering number of Idahoans are on food stamps. The number represents…
Continue ReadingA major road reconstruction is underway in Jackson, WY. The West Broadway project is one of the biggest byway facelifts the mountain town has ever…
Continue ReadingThe Salmon School District is one step closer to making some repairs to its old school buildings. Eight times, the school district has put up a bond…
Continue ReadingWith a new elementary school scheduled to come on line next fall, the Bonneville School Board has set two public hearings to consider new school…
Continue ReadingThe Teton School Board in Driggs has rejected a proposal to adopt a four day school week. Instead, Superintendent Monte Woolstenhume said the…
Continue ReadingIdaho Falls police have arrested three people on drug possession charges in two separate incidents. Police said they spotted the occupants of a green…
Continue ReadingSome local groups are speaking-out against a city ordinance aimed at protecting people from discrimination. The activist group called Stand Up…
Continue ReadingA local woman turned 102-years-old Monday and celebrated with family and friends. Phyllis Wood, of Idaho Falls, lives at the Gables Assisted Living…
Continue ReadingBill’s Bike Shop has been serving eastern Idaho for about 66 years, and now it’s moving to a bigger location to meet more demand. The…
Continue ReadingAn Idaho Falls ballroom company is dancing its way to the stars tonight. Extreme Ballroom Company took home several awards from the DanceSport…
Continue ReadingPocatello police are investigating a fire on the Idaho State University campus.The fire happened at the Pond Student Union Building in a men’s…
Continue ReadingA visit to the hospital can sometimes be a little scary for kids. But on Saturday, hundreds of children visited a local hospital to have fun. It was…
Continue ReadingEastern Idahoans often think of opera as entertainment you find in bigger cities. But thanks to hundreds of great neighbors who volunteer their time…
Continue ReadingThe Idaho Falls District Bureau of Land Management is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to those responsible for vandalism at the…
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